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Decorator module


Provides the main inject decorator.

Uses tidi.parameters to determine which parameters of the wrapped function to replace.

UNSET = Unset() module-attribute

Sentinel Unset object used to indicate a kwarg is not set yet.


Bases: Generic[T], Any

Wrapper class around a function that will be called to provide a dependency


Name Type Description Default
provider_func Callable

Callable that will return a given type (TypeVar T) which will be used as the dependency, or that is a context manager that provides T.



Define a provider as a plain function

>>> def get_big_toolbox() -> Toolbox:
...     return ...

Give the provider function into the kwarg marked for injection

>>> @tidi.inject
... def get_hammers(
...     toolbox: tidi.Injected[Toolbox] = tidi.Provider(get_big_toolbox)
... ) -> list[Hammer]:
...     return [tool for tool in if isinstance(tool, Hammer)]

Now when you call get_hammers, Tidi will call get_big_toolbox and inject it into the toolbox kwarg

>>> get_hammers()

Or, define a provider as a context manager

>>> @contextlib.contextmanager
... def wear_invisibility_cloak() -> t.Iterator[InvisibilityCloak]:
...     cloak = get_cloak()
...     cloak.activate()
...     try:
...         yield cloak
...     finally:
...         cloak.deactivate()

Give that provider context manager into the kwarg marked for injection

>>> @tidi.inject
... def investigate_crime(
...     cloak: tidi.Injected[InvisibilityCloak] = tidi.Provider(wear_invisibility_cloak)
... ) -> Evidence | None:
...     enter_crime_scene(cloak)
...     return search_crime_scene_for_evidence(cloak)

Now when you call investigate_crime, Tidi will enter the wear_invisibility_cloak context manager and inject a the InvisibilityCloak into the cloak kwarg

>>> investigate_crime()
Source code in src/tidi/
class Provider(t.Generic[T], t.Any):  # inherit from Any to appease type checkers
    """Wrapper class around a function that will be called to provide a dependency

        provider_func (typing.Callable): Callable that will return a given
            type (TypeVar `T`) which will be used as the dependency, or that
            is a context manager that provides `T`.

        Define a provider as a plain function
        >>> def get_big_toolbox() -> Toolbox:
        ...     return ...

        Give the provider function into the kwarg marked for injection
        >>> @tidi.inject
        ... def get_hammers(
        ...     toolbox: tidi.Injected[Toolbox] = tidi.Provider(get_big_toolbox)
        ... ) -> list[Hammer]:
        ...     return [tool for tool in if isinstance(tool, Hammer)]

        Now when you call `get_hammers`, Tidi will call `get_big_toolbox` and
        inject it into the `toolbox` kwarg
        >>> get_hammers()

        Or, define a provider as a context manager
        >>> @contextlib.contextmanager
        ... def wear_invisibility_cloak() -> t.Iterator[InvisibilityCloak]:
        ...     cloak = get_cloak()
        ...     cloak.activate()
        ...     try:
        ...         yield cloak
        ...     finally:
        ...         cloak.deactivate()

        Give that provider context manager into the kwarg marked for injection
        >>> @tidi.inject
        ... def investigate_crime(
        ...     cloak: tidi.Injected[InvisibilityCloak] = tidi.Provider(wear_invisibility_cloak)
        ... ) -> Evidence | None:
        ...     enter_crime_scene(cloak)
        ...     return search_crime_scene_for_evidence(cloak)

        Now when you call `investigate_crime`, Tidi will enter the `wear_invisibility_cloak`
        context manager and inject a the `InvisibilityCloak` into the `cloak` kwarg
        >>> investigate_crime()

    # overloading new to avoid issue with the `Any` inheritance
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Self:
        return super().__new__(cls)

    def __init__(
        provider_func: t.Callable[..., T] | t.Callable[..., contextlib.AbstractContextManager[T]],
        self.provider_func = provider_func


Bases: Any

Placeholder class for a dependency yet to be injected.

Source code in src/tidi/
class Unset(t.Any):
    """Placeholder class for a dependency yet to be injected."""


A decorator that will replace certain keyword arguments with dependencies


Name Type Description Default
registry Registry | None

Provide a tidi.registry.Registry if you have one. Defaults to None.



Type Description
Callable[[Callable[P, R]], Callable[P, R]]

The decorator itself.


Define your own inject decorator if you don't want to use the top level package defined one.

>>> # note: `new_injector` doesn't have a registry, which can be useful
>>> new_injector = tidi.decorator.inject()

Use the decorator just like the main one (tidi.inject)

>>> @new_injector
>>> def create_db_connection(
...    db_string: tidi.Injected = tidi.Provider(get_db_conn_string)
... ) -> db_library.DBConn:
...     return db_library.connect(db_string)
Source code in src/tidi/
def inject(registry: Registry | None = None) -> t.Callable[[t.Callable[P, R]], t.Callable[P, R]]:
    """A decorator that will replace certain keyword arguments with dependencies

        registry (Registry | None, optional): Provide a `tidi.registry.Registry`
            if you have one. Defaults to None.

        (t.Callable[[t.Callable[P, R]], t.Callable[P, R]]): The decorator itself.

        Define your own inject decorator if you don't want to use the top level
        package defined one.
        >>> # note: `new_injector` doesn't have a registry, which can be useful
        >>> new_injector = tidi.decorator.inject()

        Use the decorator just like the main one (`tidi.inject`)
        >>> @new_injector
        >>> def create_db_connection(
        ...    db_string: tidi.Injected = tidi.Provider(get_db_conn_string)
        ... ) -> db_library.DBConn:
        ...     return db_library.connect(db_string)

    def decorator(func: t.Callable[P, R]) -> t.Callable[P, R]:
        injectable_params = _get_injectable_parameters_from_func_signature(func)

        def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
            with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
                for param in injectable_params:
                    obj = stack.enter_context(
                                metadata for metadata in param.annotated_metadata
                                if isinstance(param.default, Provider)
                                else None
                    kwargs.setdefault(, obj)
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            assert False, "unreachable"  # pragma: no cover, to appease mypy with ExitStack

        return wrapper

    return decorator